Calidad garantizada
Cuando se asocia con PROCECO, colabora con un equipo de expertos experimentados. Ofrecemos un nivel de experiencia inigualable como especialistas únicos en limpieza de piezas, tratamiento de superficies, desbarbado por chorro de agua a alta presión y sistemas de chorreado de lodos.
Desde la definición y comprobación de su proceso en nuestro laboratorio de pruebas de última generación hasta la fabricación, instalación y puesta en marcha de su sistema, PROCECO se dedica a proporcionarle una solución de limpieza integrada que ofrece un rendimiento y una seguridad superiores, año tras año.

En PROCECO, ofrecemos sistemas completos de limpieza integrada personalizados para satisfacer las necesidades de cada cliente. Entendemos que tener una buena relación con nuestros clientes y partes interesadas es vital para nuestro éxito. Por ello, nos comprometemos a comprender y satisfacer sus necesidades al ofrecer un servicio de atención al cliente personalizado, un personal cualificado y equipos de fácil mantenimiento con una fiabilidad superior. Nos comprometemos a ofrecer un nivel de calidad que cumpla todos los requisitos legales y reglamentarios pertinentes.
Nuestra alta dirección concede una gran prioridad a las iniciativas de mejora continua en estas áreas, así como a nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, para garantizar que nuestros clientes estén más que satisfechos con su experiencia en PROCECO.
Our initial efforts at identifying the right company to manufacture a conveyor washer to meet our needs made one thing clear — PROCECO is a leader in the industry. From the design inception through the installation and run-off at our facility, your professionalism has been matched only by the effectiveness of the machine you built.

Michael C.
Plant Engineering Manager
From the start of the project, PROCECO has demonstrated the supplier “partner” Ford is looking for in long term plans of the company. Engineered solutions, quality of workmanship and the patience of the service personnel during installation made this project virtually flawless.

Robert L.
Lead Process Engineer
We needed to find a trusted partner to overcome our cleaning challenges. [...] It was crucial to have "white gloves" clean parts to avoid blowing out our laser welder. Since the installation, the washer has been working perfectly and consistently delivers clean parts, increasing the quality of our laser welding. We were so pleased with the results that we decided to award PROCECO a second project.

John C.
Industrial Automation Engineer
“So far, [The Slurry Blaster] has been doing great...Cylinder head teardown is outpacing assemble line by leaps and bounds. The operators and the leaders are thrilled by how clean the heads are coming. I don’t have to sell the process...Everyone else is doing it for me! Our volume for cylinder heads is project to go up 80% this year.”

Justin J.
Mechanical Engineering Manager
When we asked our sister division Deco Automotive, where did you get your part washer? The name PROCECO was the go-to company for part washing. I did research three vendors for our requirements. PROCECO clearly was the leader in the procurement process.

Todd M.
Assembly Engineer
We would like to thank you and your team for providing us excellent part washing system for several projects at LPC. We have [several] washing systems from PROCECO [...] A few of them are still operating over 10 years with none or very minimum issues. Most important thing is; all of your part washers are very capable to meet very tight cleanliness specifications of engine/transmission components. All washers are very user friendly, well constructed and easy to maintain. We are looking forward to working with you for upcoming projects as always.

A. Patel
Sr. Program Engineer
“We really enjoy working with Proceco’s team members, each time they visit our factory they are treated like family! They have done an outstanding work […]! We also want to thank all of you for your continued support getting our four Proceco machines up and running!”

Greg H.
Manufacturing Engineering

La puntuación neta del promotor (PNP) es una métrica de fidelidad del cliente que mide la disposición a recomendar sus productos o servicios a otras personas. Los fabricantes B2B de todo tipo y las grandes empresas suelen alcanzar PNP entre 20 y 30 puntos.
¡Estamos orgullosos de decir que PROCECO ofrece una verdadera satisfacción al cliente!
PROCECO desarrolla sistemas de limpieza acuosos que van más allá de la limpieza, integrando a la perfección una amplia gama de procesos y funciones que mejoran drásticamente su productividad y rentabilidad.